Lab 1930. Fotografia contemporana is pleased to announce its participation at Unseen Photo Fair, Amsterdam, from 20 to 22 September 2024, with works by Alessandra Calò and Pietro Bologna.
On display will be a preview of Alessandra Calò's latest work, χθόνιος (chthonic), which the artist made by hand using oleotype, an ancient photographic printing technique dating back to the 19th century.
Alessandra Calò: I wanted to call my project χθόνιος ("chthonic" in Greek) because I set out from the depths of the earth and the darkness to tell a story. The story is my personal vision of a Mediterranean little island which welcomed me and is the result of hours of walking, observing and listening to all the living elements that make up the island: the land, the stone, the people. In this precise order, I have tried to construct (or perhaps recompose) a series of events that have characterised and made this place unique.
Instead, Pietro Bologna will present never-before-seen images from the Hectare series, taken with an iPhone 6. The photographs will be accompanied by a video from the same series, also presented here for the first time, with original music by Bruno de Franceschi.
Pietro Bologna: This series was born during my daily walks - a ritual that is necessary for me - in a suburb, as there are many. An abandoned field that welcomes spontaneity. So, one photo a day for years, knowing that I am taking something home that will manifest itself later. The prosperity of scrapes constantly generating new meanings. Being able to stop.
On the occasion of the Unseen Photo Fair, Poetic Metaphors and Urban Ethnography. Two approaches: Alessandra Calò and Pietro Bologna – a book of three essays by the renowned art historian Lóránd Hegyi – is published by Lab 1930. Fotografia contemporanea.